Dear Parents and Carers, In the coming days staff,governors,local authorities and the teaching unions will be working tirelessly on behalf of school communities. Our priorities will be to:
- gain a better understanding of the details of the government’s plan
- seek a clearer picture of the scientific evidence the government has based this plan on
- listen and understand the views of our community
- get helpful and sound advice to all members of our school community as we understand more.
Over the next few days it is inevitable that we will all have a range of questions after the Prime Minister’s speech last night. At this point we have only just seen/heard the announcement and at this stage we are not in a position to be able to answer all the questions you may have. We are waiting to receive more information from government about what this announcement means for our school. For all schools in the short-term, nothing has changed and we will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once we are able to do so.
It is worth highlighting that school leaders are still the people who know their schools best. If the national guidance (once known) cannot be safely applied in our school, we will retain the power along with our governing body board to make decisions regarding the safety of pupils and staff based on our own individual risk assessments. This may ultimately mean that our school is not in a position to expand pupil numbers in the way the government has indicated on the 1 June.
It is our intention to explore all avenues, to ensure that in time, a phased return of pupils can happen in a SAFE, SECURE and HEALTHY environment for all of the school community.
In the meantime Stay Home. Stay Safe. Save Lives.
On behalf of the whole school community take care and God’s Blessings on you all.
Martin Humble