We highly value pupil voice at St. Matthew’s and place children at the core of all that we do, including key decision making and action planning. We also believe that allowing children to take on a variety of responsibilities helps to shape their character, providing them with life long skills and a chance to grow in confidence.
We have a range of vibrant pupil groups at St. Matthew’s, such as our Junior Leadership Team, Peer Mediators, Playground Leaders, Eco-Committee, RE Ambassadors, Mini Vinnies and School Council.
These groups meet regularly to help to make decisions about St. Matthew’s and shape all that we do. For example, our Junior Leadership Team lead our Open Evenings for prospective parents, our Playground Leaders have made amazing changes to our outdoor playing and learning, whilst our Eco-Committee help to ensure that our actions in school impact positively on the planet. Please see our Facebook page to keep updated with the exciting work which all of these groups are undertaking!