Mini Vinnies

We nave a very active Mini Vinnies group in school who do lots of great things to help our parish and wider community.
We welcomed them to the SVP community by holding a commissioning ceremony.  We had the pleasure of welcoming Michael Willcock back to our school, and he led a Celebration of the Word on Monday 27 November 2023.  He told the whole school the history of the SVP society, and how the Mini Vinnies will be supporting their friends throughout the year, as well as others in the community, by fulfilling their pledge to ‘See, Think and Do’.
The children joined in by reading the Gospel story, bringing their ‘helping hands’ to the prayer table and reciting their prayer and pledge. They were delighted to receive their badges, certificates and prayer books from Michael.
One of the their first tasks was to collect donations for the People’s Kitchen, Age Concern and also Bede’s Helping Hands Food Bank.  They have also been creating Christmas cards for our elderly or housebound parishioners to spread a little Christmas cheer.
Thank you so much to Michael for all of his help and guidance.  We look forward to doing some good work this year!