Learning tricky jumps in gymnastics

Learning tricky jumps in gymnastics

Year 6 spent time learning some new types of jumps in gymnastics this week. The lesson started with a brilliant warm-up – all planned and delivered by members of the class then they practised and refined their jumping techniques. Well done, Year 6!
A Cross-Curricular afternoon!

A Cross-Curricular afternoon!

Year 6 were challenged to combine their computing and French skills this afternoon, when they were asked to use a 3D programme called Tinkercad to design a bedroom. Their next task is to label the bedroom in French, as they are currently looking at features of a home....
Year 6 compete in the County Finals!

Year 6 compete in the County Finals!

Year 6 performed brilliantly at the Tyne and Wear Sportshall Athletic Finals yesterday. All of the children took part against schools from Sunderland, Newcastle, Gateshead and North Tyneside and finished in a superb 6th place. Well done Year 6! Here is a link so that...