Working systematically in Maths

Working systematically in Maths

Throughout school, we are currently trying to really improve the children’s resilience when it comes to problem solving in Mathematics. This term we are focusing in particular at working systematically. Year 6 gave this a go yesterday and for a first attempt,...
Why we are special!

Why we are special!

In RSE today Y6 showed a good understanding of how similarities and differences between people arise as they grow and mature. They created personal mind maps to express their individual values, hobbies and interesting facts.
Making Blood!

Making Blood!

In Science today, Year 6 had a go at making their own blood. They used different things to create the red blood cells; the white blood cells, the plasma and the platelets. They now have a great understanding of the function of the different parts.
Covering Wonderwall

Covering Wonderwall

Year 6 have been working on melody and chords over recent weeks. They have been using their new understanding in creating a cover of ‘Wonderwall’. They are starting to make good progress.  We hope you enjoy their performance  – Y6 Music – A...
Investigating lung capacity

Investigating lung capacity

Today, Year 6 investigated who had the greatest lung capacity in the class. They were challenged to blow a balloon up in 3 breaths, then measure the width of the balloon. They found that some of them have incredible lung capacities!