Creating fact sheets about Gustav Klimt

Creating fact sheets about Gustav Klimt

Wow… what a busy Art lesson we have had today in Y4. We had a great discussion about how our learned Art skills of line, shape, colour, form and pattern can feed into our future aspirations in the wider world – some of us even shared our aspirations of...
Creating relief embossing patterns

Creating relief embossing patterns

In Art this afternoon, Y4 explored using a variety of materials to create relief embossed patterns. They demonstrated good resilience, shaping the materials onto the glued card, which can be very tricky, and carefully pressing the foil around the raised shapes to form...
Kindness to others!

Kindness to others!

Another wonderful worship today in Year 4 with the theme of kindness to others! The children asked their friends to think of a way to be kind today and we listened to the Gospel chosen from St Matthew! Thanks Y4!