Gathering Together

Gathering Together

Wow! What a beautiful pupil led Celebration of the Word we had today in Year 4! The children chose all their own readings and actions. They taught Mrs Torley a new song called Gather Together. Great job Y4
Learning about Oscar Romero

Learning about Oscar Romero

Wow! Look at the amazing posters Y4 have created in RE based on the martyr Oscar Romero from El Salvador! We learnt all about his life and how he helped the poor people of his country! We chose our own inspirational quote of Oscar Romero for our posters! Amazing work...
Computer Programmers

Computer Programmers

Year 4 have been having fun in Computing this week! We’ve been designing our own games using Scratch programming! We had to create some code for a catching sea creatures game and how to modify our code for our shark sprite! Great job Y4