Celebrating Community!

Celebrating Community!

In our Celebration of the Word today, Year 4 led us in a beautiful worship with the theme of Community. The children planned and delivered their own choice of scripture, prayers and hymns! We thought about all the different communities we are a part of and thanked God...
Practising for our Athletic Finals

Practising for our Athletic Finals

Year 4 have been practising their sports hall athletics skills in PE this week. We’re getting ready for our athletics event on Friday! We practised events like the speed bounce, vertical jump, long jump and javelin throw! We can’t wait to go!
Learning ostinato!

Learning ostinato!

In music this week with Mr McNally, Y4 have been working hard learning about Ostinato by clapping a repeated rhythm and following the beat in samba music! We loved singing a tune from Encanto to help us practise our skills. Great job Y4
Science Sound Walk

Science Sound Walk

Year 4 used their auditory skills in science today brilliantly on their sound walk around school. We had to predict what were the loudest and quietest parts of the school, then we investigated what we could hear inside and outside the school! Great skills Y4We loved...