Amazing Microbits

Amazing Microbits

As if World Book Day wasn’t exciting enough, Year 4 had their first try at coding with the new microbit computers today! They used the makecode editor to programme their own name badge messages! Great job Year 4! We can’t wait to do more next week!
Windy Wind Turbines

Windy Wind Turbines

We have loved having Captain Chemistry in Y4 today! As part of our electricity topic we made and investigated our own wind turbines. We measured which would produce the greatest amount of volts! We had so much fun! Here are the turbines in action:
Re-enacting Elf Road

Re-enacting Elf Road

In English, Year 4 have been enjoying our new Talk for Writing story called Elf Road. It’s a portal tale about a boy who finds a mysterious door! Year 4 enjoyed acting out the story for their friends and thinking about the structure of a portal tale! Great job...