Mighty Mathletes

Mighty Mathletes

Amazing job in Mathletics today! Wow! Look at all the certificates achieved! Keep up the great work Year 4 They are looking in great condition for their upcoming tables tests.
Investigating switches

Investigating switches

Year 4 have been super scientists today! We have been making our own electrical circuits and testing to see if they worked before adding a switch into our circuit, so we could switch the light on and off! Great job Y4
Cricket Season is here!

Cricket Season is here!

Year 4 started their cricket skills in PE today! They practiced their throwing and catching skills, using a cradle catch technique. We even started to practice our overarm bowling! We can’t wait to improve our accuracy!
Art in Nature

Art in Nature

In Art today Y4 looked at the works of Nancy McCroskey- a Ceramics artist who specialises in tile relief. Her works are largely based around nature and Y4 explored using various media to create abstract visual texture patterns using the leaf cuttings they gathered....