Designing Giants

Designing Giants

Year 3 designed their own Giants today in English based on our current book The BFG. Some children chose to design a kind Giant where as some children designed a Giant no body would like to meet!!!! The children then wrote facts about their Giants that will help them...
Moving Monsters

Moving Monsters

Y3 have used their knowledge of measuring, marking out, scoring and cutting to shape materials to form the main body of their moving monsters. They managed this superbly too well done children
What is Pollination?

What is Pollination?

Year 3 have carried on their learning about pollination since Captain chemistry came in last week. The children put the steps of pollination in order and then acted out how pollination works. They acted as the insect and collected a wotsits (the pollen) from each...
Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Week 4: Summer Parade preparations – Today artists Lynda and Emma came into school to complete the final stages of our beautiful silk painted blanket for the GIANT kinetic camel sculpture. We also got to add lots of decorative materials to the HUGE camel legs...