Rocket Launchers

Rocket Launchers

The rain wasn’t stopping Year 3 from launching their rockets so we launched them in the corridor Captain Chemistry discussed all things forces today and the children built their own rockets to launch Visit our Facebook page to see the rockets in action! 
Which surface is best?

Which surface is best?

Yesterday, Year 3 investigated which surface would cause the most friction. The children found out the rougher the surface the more friction produced. The children set up their experiment and recorded their results independently. Super work
Creating Viewing Windows

Creating Viewing Windows

Wow- some super scissor skills have been demonstrated in Y3 this afternoon. The children have carefully marked out and cut to shape a viewing window in their box designs. From all the smiling faces showing through the windows, I think they are all very proud of their...
Fantastic Forces

Fantastic Forces

Fantastic Science work in Year 3 this week looking at Forces. The children worked in pairs to come up with an action and the rest of the class had to work out if it was a push or pull force