Looking at Maps

Looking at Maps

In Geography today, Year 2 looked at different types of maps and why these are useful. We tried to find different places on the maps. We also looked at map symbols and came up with some new ones.
Outdoor Adventurous Activity at Marine Park

Outdoor Adventurous Activity at Marine Park

Year 2 had a brilliant time at Marine Park this morning, for their Outdoor Adventurers trip. We worked hard looking for clues around the park, and collecting materials to make a bear house. This was a great start to our new Geography topic too, as we had to read a map...
Painting our Masks

Painting our Masks

Y2 painted their African masks today, using their knowledge of African colours and their meanings. They have all worked extremely hard and have produced their own amazing African mask! Well done children
Money Matters

Money Matters

In PSHE, Year 2 have been learning all about money. We know about how people pay for things and how they earn money to do this. We have learnt important words such as bank transfer, cash, wages and employment. Today, we thought about how to keep our money safe.