Sorting living things

Sorting living things

Year 2 started their new Science topic on Living Things, and enjoyed thinking about, and sorting, things that are Alive, Once Alive and Never Alive. We are excited to do some work on our new topic with Captain Chemistry today.
Number Confidence Week in Year 2

Number Confidence Week in Year 2

Year 2 have loved solving some problems in Maths today, for Number Confidence Week! First, we thought about how much it would cost, and which coins we would use, to buy different fireworks. Then, we needed to work out which creatures we would need (and how many), to...
Our multi-media jungles!

Our multi-media jungles!

Tiger in a Tropical Storm! Year 2 have finished creating their amazing tropical jungle today. They used a variety of media, layering the pieces to make their jungle feel dense. The tiger is enjoying disappearing in all that greenery. Well done...
Learning to Speak Out and Stay Safe

Learning to Speak Out and Stay Safe

Year 2 participated in NSPCC’s Speak Out and Stay Safe assembly and lesson today, learning how important it is for children to speak out if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe. They heard of different ways that children could be hurt, and what to do if this...