Super Sentence Structures

Super Sentence Structures

In English today, Year 2 are working on improving sentences. We rolled the dice to see what we needed to do to make the sentences better. The children came up with some fantastic suggestions and tried had to use punctuation too. In one book, this sentence became- ‘The...
Learning about African Dance

Learning about African Dance

Year 2 had a lot of fun in PE today, when starting their dance topic. We warmed up by playing ‘dance whispers’ which had some interesting results. We then started to learn some African dance moves, which hopefully, we will be able to put into a sequence soon. Visit...
Science Retrieval Practice

Science Retrieval Practice

In Science this week, Year 2 started to think about animals and their offspring. We matched up the animals with their offspring and then grouped them into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The children used their knowledge from Year 1 wonderfully.
Brilliant Patchwork Sewing

Brilliant Patchwork Sewing

WOW! Y2 children have done some amazing sewing today. They showed fantastic resilience when sewing the three layers of their patchwork square. We are slowly seeing our amazing work come together!