by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | Catholic Life, RE, Year 2
In RE today, Year 2 were thinking about things that protect God’s world, and things that may damage it. We made a ‘treasure’ pile and a ‘rubbish’ pile. The children then wrote their own Psalms about the world.
by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | Maths, Year 2
The children in Year 2 loved working outside in the sunshine today for Maths. They were measuring the capacity of different containers, and putting a specific volume of water in. They needed to identify if the container was full, nearly full, half full or slightly...
by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | Art, Year 2
In art Y2 have been learning about the artist Henri Rousseau. Then they used their drawing skills to draw a tiger, very impressive!
by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | DT, Year 2
Y2 had a great morning in DT trying lots of different types of bread. They tried white, wholemeal, bagel, wraps and brioche. The children could describe the taste, texture, appearance and smell of all of the different types, then chose their favourite.
by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | PSHE, Year 2
In PSHE today, for their ‘money matters’ topic, Year 2 were talking about things that we want and things that we need. There were some disagreements about certain things e.g umbrellas, Pencils and books, but the children had some excellent arguments. They were then...
by Miss Maddy Wiblin | Jun 30, 2024 | Catholic Life, RE, School News, Year 2
Today in RE, Year 2 started their new topic, by thinking about things that they treasure. They shared their treasures with the class, beautifully describing what they are and why they are special. We then thought about a treasure that we all share..the world, and...