How many different ways?

How many different ways?

Year 2 have been dong an investigation in Maths today, to enhance their mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. They did a great job of finding out how many different ways the blue, green and red counters could land.
How can we recycle?

How can we recycle?

In Science today, the Year 2 children were thinking about how we could recycle different things, and what happens to it all when it has been recycled. We are going to try hard to help the environment by recycling more.
Mastering Number

Mastering Number

Year 2 are enjoying their Mastering Number sessions, in which they master their basic number skills, to help them in their Maths lessons. They love watching the Numberblocks, who help them in their sessions, and they like to use the Rekenreks, which help them to show...

Maths support for parents – Useful Websites

Dear parent/carer, Across the school we are practising our number facts and times tables to help us become fluent in our maths. Please find some useful website links to support maths work at home, with free games, apps and workbooks....