Comparing Queens

Comparing Queens

In History, Year 2 have loved looking at what life was like in the past and comparing the different queens. This week, it was time to study Queen Elizabeth I. The children were brilliant with the true or false quiz, and then writing about entertainment, clothes and...
Comparing Queens

Comparing Queens

In Year 2, during our topic on Comparing Queens, the children have been thinking about what life was like during the Victorian Age. They had a lot of prior knowledge from trips to Beamish, and their work in Year 1. They were excited to link their work on Fantastic...
Visiting the Hancock Museum

Visiting the Hancock Museum

Year 3 have had a great day out at the Hancock Museum learning all things Egyptian. We got to explore other exhibitions about Fossils, Animals and Dinosaurs linked to other areas of our curriculum. We had a special workshop learning all about mummified people and have...
Our trip to Arbeia!

Our trip to Arbeia!

Year 4 loved their trip to Arbeia Roman Fort in South Shields today! This linked in brilliantly with our Roman history topic! We were archaeologists on a time quest and found out all about what artefacts from the past could tell us about daily life in the fort. We...
Pope Urban II comes to Visit

Pope Urban II comes to Visit

In History this afternoon, Year 6 were challenged to role play the parts of Pope Urban II and the Crusaders and to think of possible things they would include in an eye witness statement for a newspaper report. They managed to use some excellent vocabulary. Well done,...