Cracking Continents

Cracking Continents

In Geography today, Year 2 started their ‘cracking continents’ work. We started with Europe, and we focused on France. The children labelled a map of France, and looked at some famous landmarks from the capital city. We also looked at two huge events that are...
Looking at Maps

Looking at Maps

In Geography today, Year 2 looked at different types of maps and why these are useful. We tried to find different places on the maps. We also looked at map symbols and came up with some new ones.
Roddy The Rock & Friends

Roddy The Rock & Friends

In Geography Year 3 are looking at erosion. They made their own ‘rock person’ and took away parts of their character to help them understand the process of erosion. They then wrote a story based on their characters journey to show how by the end of the process there...
Improving our atlas skills!

Improving our atlas skills!

Y4 have demonstrated excellent geographical skills this afternoon, using an atlas to locate UK rivers and seas and placing them correctly on their own map of the UK. At the end of the lesson I was very impressed with how keen THEY ALL were to share their knowledge of...