Designing Giants

Designing Giants

Year 3 designed their own Giants today in English based on our current book The BFG. Some children chose to design a kind Giant where as some children designed a Giant no body would like to meet!!!! The children then wrote facts about their Giants that will help them...
Summer Poetry by Year 3

Summer Poetry by Year 3

Year 3 have written some brilliant poems all about summer including rhyming. The children almost forgot what summer was like with all the rain we have had recently but they have worked super hard to include all their fun and happy memories of summer.
Wonderful Poetry in Year 2

Wonderful Poetry in Year 2

Year 2 have been planning and writing poems about summer, and they have produced some wonderful work! Mrs Alderson was super impressed with their handwriting, presentation and ideas! They tried hard to write in rhyming couplets for their poems, and I am so proud of...
Performing Poetry!

Performing Poetry!

In English, Year 2 began to think about how they could perform poetry. We thought about how we might say things, actions we could do and where we could go. The children spent the last week of term planning, writing and performing their own poems!