Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Week 4: Summer Parade preparations – Today artists Lynda and Emma came into school to complete the final stages of our beautiful silk painted blanket for the GIANT kinetic camel sculpture. We also got to add lots of decorative materials to the HUGE camel legs...
Investigating Prototypes and Circuits

Investigating Prototypes and Circuits

Y4 have used their knowledge of simple circuits to investigate if adjusting or adding components would alter the way their Artbot prototype moved. They recorded their results which they will use to inform their final designs . Well done Y4 – a great job...
Investigating Pneumatic Systems

Investigating Pneumatic Systems

Y3 have been exploring pneumatic systems today, assembling found components to create movement mechanisms. They demonstrated super teamwork and recorded their investigations using diagrams and key vocabulary. Very impressive indeed.
Painting our Masks

Painting our Masks

Y2 painted their African masks today, using their knowledge of African colours and their meanings. They have all worked extremely hard and have produced their own amazing African mask! Well done children