Artbot Constructions

Artbot Constructions

Exciting times in Y4… Artbot construction is underway! We have tigers, elephants, foxes, dogs, minions and MORE! Take a look at our class prototype in action (on our Facebook page)-
Which fruit tastes the best?

Which fruit tastes the best?

In our DT topic, Y1 have been tasting a range of fruits they thought about the fruits appearance, smell, texture and taste. The children were very excited to try the delicious fruits and find out which one was their favourite!
Tasting different Breads

Tasting different Breads

Y2 had a great morning in DT trying lots of different types of bread. They tried white, wholemeal, bagel, wraps and brioche. The children could describe the taste, texture, appearance and smell of all of the different types, then chose their favourite.
Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Summer Parade Preparations Year 3

Week 4: Summer Parade preparations – Today artists Lynda and Emma came into school to complete the final stages of our beautiful silk painted blanket for the GIANT kinetic camel sculpture. We also got to add lots of decorative materials to the HUGE camel legs...
Investigating Prototypes and Circuits

Investigating Prototypes and Circuits

Y4 have used their knowledge of simple circuits to investigate if adjusting or adding components would alter the way their Artbot prototype moved. They recorded their results which they will use to inform their final designs . Well done Y4 – a great job...