Using technical drawings in DT

Using technical drawings in DT

Y3 have had a very productive day indeed! They have added the final design details to their interactive packaging products, showing their construction methods for enlarging the surface area of the interactive play scenery objects. Next they explored technical drawing...
Creating annotated design plans in DT

Creating annotated design plans in DT

In Design and Technology today, Y3 looked at examples and made notes of what makes successful sustainable toy packaging. Next, they used their understanding to create annotated design plans to show their intentions to make a package product that would meet their...
Creating our own moving mechanisms

Creating our own moving mechanisms

WOW amazing work today in Year 1. The children have been measuring, marking out and cutting different shapes onto card, to create moving mechanisms. Well done! I can’t wait to see what you are going to do next week
Creating technical drawings in DT

Creating technical drawings in DT

In DT this afternoon Y3 researched well known brands to find out what they are doing to ensure their products were friendly to the environment. They then deconstructed branded packages and made technical drawings of their net shapes, noting fold and cut lines to help...