Dear parents,
We are currently on the bus back from Thurston and we have had an incredible week. We can’t wait to see everyone. As we return, we can now focus on all of the lovely things for next week. We will send out a more detailed letter on Monday but here are some pieces of information we feel we need to share before the weekend.
Star Warts Production
We are aiming to do the production on Tuesday at 6pm. Each family will be allowed 4 tickets (this is to include any siblings). We will open the doors around 5:40.
We would like to attempt to do a full recorded dress rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon. This means that the children will need to stay in school at home time and remain in school until the production. They will need a packed tea or some food dropped off around 4pm.
Many thanks for the costumes that have already come in. If your child still has their costume at home, please can they bring it into school on Monday so that we can see what we need to do in terms of accessories.
Your child will receive their report and assessment results on Monday.
A huge thank you
On behalf of all of your gorgeous children, can we say a huge thank you for showing such support in allowing us to rearrange Thurston so late in the day. We can honestly say it has been one of the best weeks and the behaviour of all of the children has been superb. We are so excited to spend one final very…very…very…. busy week with them all next week and give them a St Matthew’s send off they won’t forget!
We wish them all a very relaxing weekend and hopefully see them all full of energy on Monday morning.
The Y6 Team xx