School Re-opening Tuesday 5 January 2021

by | Jan 4, 2021 | 0 comments

Dear parents/carers

We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year as we welcome children back for the Spring Term 2021. Currently, it is our plan to open school for all pupils on Tuesday 5 January 2021 at the usual time. If this situation was to change we would make contact by text message in the first instance and publish details on the website and school Facebook page.

The governors and staff at St Matthew’s continue to have the welfare of our whole community at the heart of all they do and and at the heart of all decisions they make. We are now in a situation where COVID cases are increasing rapidly so we ask the following of all adults dropping off and picking up children from school;

1. Please wear face coverings in school grounds at all times

2. Please ensure that 2 metres social-distancing is respected and maintained at all times.

3. Please ensure your child is in school before 9.00 am

4. Please park legally – YELLOW lines are in force to ensure the safety of our school community and neighbours at both junctions on Alnwick Grove.

5. Please leave the school grounds promptly at the end of the school day when collecting your children.

6. Please ensure your child is not cycling or ‘scootering’ on the school grounds as they can inadvertently be the cause of delays and accidents during this congested period.

Please be assured that we will keep you informed as soon as possible of any changes to schedules.


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