Dear Parents/Carers
We have completed the first week of compulsory school closure for all pupils and also the first week where there has been the request for us all to stay at home wherever possible. School has been able to provide some very limited child care provision for some children of key workers. We have had to restrict our provision due to the reduced availability of staff. As employers we have a duty of care to our staff and their families and respect the hard decisions some are having to make to self-isolate or shield vulnerable members in their household. This coming week we are once again open (Mon to Fri 9.00 am to 3.00pm) for a restricted number of key worker’s children and these families have been contacted directly to arrange their allocation based on need.
During this ‘closure’ period the school office hours are from 8.45 am to 3.15pm – the answerphone will be in operation at all times if you need to leave a message. Tel: 0191 4898355
We will also be answering email messages as soon as we can on a daily basis – email:
We understand there may be families in our community struggling with day to day essentials including food – please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Humble for any advice (all contact will be private and remain confidential) via telephone 0191 4898355 or email :
As yet we still do not know the arrangements for the supply of food vouchers to those who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) but we should know early this week. School will contact each eligible household once details are forthcoming from the Government.
Please continue to follow all government guidance as we endeavour to keep all members of our community safe and healthy.
God’s Blessings on you all and keep in your prayers all those people in our school community, the NHS, all of the emergency services and those involved in all aspects of social care.
Martin Humble