Reception learning – Wednesday 24th January 2024

by | Jan 22, 2024 | 0 comments

Dear parent/carer,



Make your own puppets to retell the story of Goldilocks and the three Bears in the correct order. Can you use your best performance skills and voices to retell the story to your family?


Can you write a sentence to go with each picture?


Don’t forget…

To count the words out in your sentence,

To say the sounds to write the word.

To say the sounds as you write them.



Use the letterjoin handwriting login to practise writing the letters g, o, c, k, e, u, r using the correct letter formation.

The login details are below



You will need some containers (e.g. bowls/ cups) and a selection of different sized spoons and ladles.

Children to investigate how many small spoonful’s it takes to fill their container.

How many large spoonfuls does it take?

How many ladles does it take?

Which sized spoon was the best? Why?



Give the children with a tall, thin container and a shallow, wide container.

Ask them to predict which will hold more water.

How could they check?

Encourage children to try different methods and prompt them to record the capacity of each container.

To extend further, more containers could be added, and children could order them from the smallest capacity to the greatest capacity.


Number Games

Counting –

More and Less –

Subitising –

Counting –

Subitising –

Fine Motor Activities

To practise fastening their own coat.

To create a bracelet for mummy bear using beads or dried pasta.

To make a house for each of the bears to live in.



Please find below some ideas for your child to do at home.


Read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

If you haven’t got access to the story follow the link below to listen to the story.

Once you have listened to the story create a story map and retell the tale in your own words.




Use the letterjoin handwriting login to practise writing the letters m, s, a, t, n, o, p using the correct letter formation. Please contact Miss Shawcross if you require the login again.


Read the story Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen.

Children to use recyclable junk modelling resources to build their own boats.

How many small world characters can they fit in the boat before it sinks?

Prompt children to explore whether this changes for different combinations of animals.


Number blocks


Fine Motor

Using construction at home can you make a chair for baby bear. Test the strength of it by trying it out with one of your teddy bears.


Many thanks


Miss Shawcross




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