Tuesday/Wednesday 23.01.24/24.01.24
Dear parent/carer,
Here are some ideas for possible learning today,
A bit more explanation text reading today about volcanoes.
Read the text on the slides and then have a go at answering the questions.
Remember to use your VIPERS skills and look for evidence in the text.
Write a summary about the text to include the main ideas.
Reading comprehension volcanoes Y4
Remember we were multiplying by 10 and 100? Now let’s try dividing by 10!
Watch the video
Have a go at the examples on the worksheet. Remember to move the digits one place to the right
(Use a place value chart to help you)
This week we will be looking at the parts of the ear in science.
Can you watch the video link below
Look at the slides to help you understand the different parts of the ear and what they do.
Your task is to have a go at drawing and labelling the parts of the ear yourself.
There’s a worksheet to help you with the diagram.
Jesus begins to gather his own followers for his community.
Read the scripture from Mark’s Gospel and watch the video link on the slides of the story.
There is a task on your slide to write a diary account as if you were an apostle who was there at the time.
There are some key questions to answer about the story on the slides.
Monday 22.01.24
Here are some ideas for possible learning today,
Practice your homophone words on https://www.twinkl.com/spelling
Scroll down to the activities for Term 2A Week 1 and Week 2 – Remember to do all the activities to earn your points.
Here is a good online game to practice your homophones too!
Read as much as you can. See if you can find examples of explanation texts at home or online. We will be looking at explanation text on volcanoes this week.
You could write down examples of any of the features of explanation text and have a go at writing some sentences with causal conjunctions.
Here’s a link to a video to help you remember the cause and effect sentences we practiced last week. Watch the lesson video and try the activities.
Do your multiplication tables check practice with your speed test! See if you can improve your score on timestables.co.uk – your target is 17 or more out of 25!
Practice your 6 and 7 and 9 times tables? Can you get your diplomas?
Here is worksheet to help you practice! TTRS Workbook
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Complete some games on TTRS (Logins were sent home last term but let me know if you’ve forgotten). There is a new battle for boys v girls too!
Topmarks – Have a go at a bingo game to practice x by 10 or 100
Many thanks
Mrs Torley
Word Search Black and White Homophone Foldable Book TTRS Worksheet – 6 7 9s Answers