Dear Parent/Carer
Here are some ideas for possible learning today:
Times Tables Rockstars
Children have been set 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. They should be secure with the 2, 5 and 10s, before trying the 3s and then 4s. They could do the ‘Jamming’ session, and then challenge themselves to the ‘Gig’. Log in details are in homework books.
Children have been assigned all topics that we have looked at in school so far, including; Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Complete any activities that you can and then test yourself. Log in details are in homework books.
Topmarks- Daily 10
We have been using this website during lessons and the children have enjoyed it a lot. Choose a level (we have focussed on Level 1 and 2 so far), choose a topic (apart from Fractions and Rounding) and then decide how long you want to give yourself to answer the questions.
The children are preparing to write their ‘space adventure stories’ later this week. To prepare for this, it would be brilliant if they could draw their main characters (aliens), and write a descriptive paragraph, using a range of adjectives and punctuation for their sentences. They could also draw and describe the alien’s home planet, and their spaceship.
They should start to think about what will happen in their space adventure story, and create a plan identifying the beginning, build up, problems/ resolutions and end.
We started to look at commas last week, and a worksheet has been uploaded for children to complete – they could do this in their homework books. They need to remember the capital letters and full stops where necessary, and also add commas for the lists. Remember, when you get to the last two items on the list, use ‘and’.
This website has some games which you could play to become more familiar with the Year 2 Common Exception Words (words which the children should know how to read and spell by the end of Year 2)
This website has some great ideas of games and activities which you could play to learn the Common Exception Words (these are in the front of your homework book)
Do as much reading as you possibly can. You could write a book review telling me all about the story and the characters, and what you thought of the books. This could go up in our new reading corner so that other children can get some recommendations. I have uploaded a template for anyone who wants to do this.
I have also added some comprehensions for you to do about Neil Armstrong (only complete one of them, choosing which is most appropriate), and one for you to continue to practise your inference skills – Lily and the Tooth Fairy.
Please use this time to get as much of your projects done as you can, we will be presenting them in the last week of this half term, which is only two weeks away!
Many thanks
Mrs Aitchison
Commas Worksheet Book Review Lily and the Tooth Fairy Neil Armstrong Comprehension